I dont know where I am part two
I have been reading some of the blogs that I go to regularly
I don't know if I am just in a funny mood but my feelings about these blogs have been different today
I have been to one blog where there is a new hot story I read the first paragraph then moved onto the next blog. Not because there is anything wrong with the story but because I am in the wrong mind set to read a hot story but I shall do later.
I have been to another blog where we learn of the writer's passion past and present. I read the most recent description of people and passionate positions. I read with interest but nothing more, again im in the wrong mind set.
I read of another blogger meeting her lover for the first time in what to her is ages, but in the greater scheme of things only a short period. I wish her luck in her desires with her lover.
I read both sides of the australian love story.......I have no comments to make today
I read an insightfull piece which I cannot get my head around today
I read another blog where there is a different sense of wit than on other blogs. I do find some of this blog very amusing. however as I mull over what is on offer today I feel I cannot be a part of this. I cannot condone what this blogger is doing. It can be funny to make fun of someone else once, two or three times is pushing it a little too far but I find that this unrelenting poking of fun at one person in particular has lost any respect I might have had for the intended wit. Some posts are blatantly obvious who they are pointing at others less obvious but if I can recognise them then so should others who read both blogs. I am alarmed at the encouraging comments which come from people I have considered to be intelligent, how can these people who have otherwise earnt my respect continue what is tantamount to bullying. None of us would find this acceptable behaviour in children or in the work place so why accept it in blogland. However tongue in cheek these posts are I do strongly feel that enough is enough. My only other comment is now to say that I admire the subject of this bullying for keeping their dignity by not responding to all this public humiliation at least not in public.
I have read of another blogger who is feeling lonely and in need of contact from others, I do not comment as I chatted to this person in the early hours so have already held out my hand in companionship.
I have read a blog which took me down memory lane to my childhood.
I have read other blogs also but just for now have no more comment
today I am lost in blogland and don't know how I feel about most of it
How to Choose Dog Treats
3 years ago
You could have some fun with your new "link" skills before you forget how to do it! That might perk you up :)
LiR -- You are a true class act.
I wonder if those who comment on the childish blog in question would exhibit half your class. I wonder if they would display the dignity that you would. I doubt it. It's so easy to tear down, and so difficult to just be yourself and let it pass.
Hello! No need to be coy, I am quite happy for you to say Barbed Wire Boudoir is the childish blog in question, or Luka is a big bully. I won't be offended.
You have raised some interesting points, LiR, and I would like nothing more than to address them individually, though I feel it would be too lengthy a comment if I did. I have posted on this matter and am more than welcome to discuss these allegations of bullying either via comments on my childish blog or via email.
You do as you wish until it feels right again. We miss you when you're not here and glad to have you when you are.
Take care of yourself
You sound a bit sad sweetie. Here let me plump up those cushions and then you settle back on them with a book and I'll cover you up with a soft blanket. Want me to get you something to drink? There...feeling a bit better? (((((LiR)))))
I disagree. I think you're (in what we sociologists call) a Positive Spin Cycle. See here
Change is on its way. I can feel it in my water. Keep positive.
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