Sunday 31 December 2006

New year

2006 has been a remarkable year for me.

January: I met and fell in love with a man my own age ( most of my previous partners had been older than me). He helped me to escape the trauma of my divorce, whilst at the same time showing me that even though I am now much larger than I was before I had my children I could still be desirable. He showed me that my life is not over and certainly not my sex life. If anything he couldnt keep up with me. Called me a nymphomaniac!!

April: finally the courts made my husband vacate our marrital home and transfer the tenancy into my sole name. 3 days later our Decree Absolute came through. I was now officially single again.

July: the final straw with my lover when he decided to mess me about yet again and told me to take my ex on the holiday we had booked together!!! Not the smartest thing he could have said to me.

To get him out of my mind I joined AFF and my journey began.

October: The court case where I was the only witness in the case against my husband for harrassing and threatening to kill me and my lover. He had chosen to go to crown court so he could prove I am not a credible witness (apparently I'm mad) then the case would fall apart. On the day of the trial he agreed to admit guilt and has accepted a restraining order keeping him away.

November: I teamed up with one of my lovers to become a 'couple'. Through this new adventure I began chatting with The Man who encouraged me to read his blogg. I was hooked immediately. Then I began to think maybe this was something I could do. With more encouragement from The Man I began this blogg. I have really enjoyed writing it and chatting to the new friends I have made through it on both sides of the pond. I am totally amazed at some of the things I have written. I didn't realise I had it in me. I will let you decide how much is real and how much is imagination.

December: Finally I am getting myself sorted. I am now committed to an IT course which will help me find a new and better job. then in the week before xmas I began working full time at the employment agency. I hope this will lead to a more permanent position and I will be able to get my family's finances back on track.

2007 will be my year. I am putting all the rubbish of previous years behind me and moving onwards and upwards. who knows I might even find the happiness I deserve. If not I shall just continue to enjoy the search.

May all my friends have a HAPPY AND FULLFILLING 2007


Anonymous said...

I feel sorry that you're going through this.. Hope 2007 brings a new start.

Lady in red said...

Please do not feel sorry for me. For everything I have been through I am happier now than I can remember being. I do not crave pity from my friends merely that they know my situation and still wish to be my friend. To join me in my happiness and to look forward to a happy future.

Anonymous said...

Then I admire you!! Change is hard for me to adapt to... but you do it with pinazz!

Hope you'll have a drink with me when the courts write off my marriage! I'll try to smile bravely! :-)

Lady in red said...


let me know when and where and I shall try to be there.

I cant say that I smile all the time, as I do get sad or miserable but I dont allow it to last long. I am lucky I had a second chance to grab life and make it work for me. My life was just drifting along until I had a wake up call in 2001.

It is true that if you smile people around you will smile more.

Cherrie said...

That's enough activity for several years, Lady. Here's hoping 2007 will be a year of growth, development and sexual fulfillment for you. And I like the last line of your previous comment. Let's smile at each other more often!

Lady in red said...

thank you cherrie......even when we dont have the words a smile says so much more.