Tuesday 18 September 2007

The Lady is here

Never fear the Lady in Red never stays down for long.

I am back now and raring to go.

I am chatting online to one or two people who have been helping to get me into a better place.

I have joined the gym today and next week I start my creative writing course.

I intend to improve both my mind and my body over the next few months.

one of the guys asked how I can improve on perfection .......... lmao

my kids have noticed that I am smiling again even though they didn't know I was upset or why

I have a new story in my head to write

there will be no more

just lots of


Vi said...

Glad to hear it. Just remember YOU are number one!


Fat Controller said...

That's the way. Looking forward to reading the new story..You ARE going to post it, aren't you?

nitebyrd said...

It's good that you didn't let the bastard keep you down for long.

DJ Kirkby said...

Well done! Love the pic of red clothes on the line, cute.

Lady in red said...

vi thanx

FC I shall probably post it but it isnt my usual style

nitebyrd I dont think he is a bastard we just wanted different things and didnt communicate that well

dj I took that pic on sat there were actually two lines of red/pink/orange and purple. I always do my washing according to colour. I do love bright colours

nitebyrd said...

Sorry, Lady - I guess it's a Yank saying. Not that HE was a bastard in particular, more of a collective. "Don't let the bastards get you down."

I am truly happy you're doing better.

Lady in red said...

nitebyrd we have that saying here too.

I just feel that ok things didnt work out how I would have liked. But all the times we have chatted and when we were together he has been lovely just as he was during all those months before we met. I still think he is lovely but we didnt want the same thing. Its a pity we didn't get it straight at the beginning but we didnt and its all water under the bridge now. I have no animosity towards him. I am hoping that we will be able to be friends again as althrough the summer I really missed the friendship we had shared before we met. I was worried that sex would get in the way of our friendship. I just hope we can both be adult enough to put it behind us.

Fire Byrd said...

Oh i'm so pleased.
You get back up there girl and show 'em what your about.

Joanna Cake said...

Remember, you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a Prince!

Lady in red said...

thanx pixie

cake right now I don't feel like kissing anyone be they frog or prince

Hardin said...

Gym, good. Tears, bad. Smile, good.

You're going in the right direction now!